Assembly OSM (Off-Site Manufacturing) is an offsite modular design-builder based in New York City that aims to make urban development scalable and sustainable. Backed by advanced technology and manufacturing processes, Assembly delivers customizable turn-key high-rise buildings faster and with significantly reduced carbon emissions.
Founded in 2018, Assembly’s minority-led team has decades of experience in real estate development, public-private partnerships, offsite construction, and manufacturing. As a result, Assembly’s modular systems are a generational leap beyond the modular solutions that have been deployed in the past. Assembly utilizes high-fidelity digital modeling and a capital-light distributed supply chain of expert manufacturers, an approach more similar to automobile and aerospace manufacturing than construction. This allows Assembly to deliver high rise modular buildings with massive time savings (up to 50%), highly energy efficient systems (up to 75% savings), substantial embodied carbon reductions (up to 35%), and vastly improved cost certainty.
Assembly’s first two projects in New York City exemplify how its building systems adapt to complex urban site contexts while attaining outstanding time savings and environmental impact. The first building is situated in a landmarked district in Fort Greene, Brooklyn and consists of 5,000 sf of residential and community spaces, the majority of which was assembled in just one day. The second project in Harlem, New York is a 44,000+ GSF high rise multifamily project that will bring 51 affordable and market rate apartments to this historically disadvantaged community. Both projects are pursuing Passive House (PHIUS) and WELL for Residential certifications (early adopter). Together, these projects demonstrate Assembly’s transformative potential to meet urban housing and development needs through advanced construction methods.